Your top 10 remedies you should take with you everywhere you go, and keep in your first aid kit.

Hello all!  My thoughts today are focused on what remedies would I put into my own first aid kit, or my go kit.  It depends on why you have a first aid kit, and what you think its purpose is.

If you are a family with children, you will definitely want more child related remedies in your kit. 

If you are going camping, your kit might include different things, definitely things like allergy remedies, drawing salves, compresses, and things like this.

If you are just travelling across the country, your kit would be different, using things like the ginger remedies, stress tinctures, immune supports and such.

So let’s get into what a basic kit might include and why.

  1. Candied Ginger / ginger tincture / ginger gummies

Ginger, Zingiber officinale, is one of the best remedies for nausea, stomach upset, immune support, throat comfort, and inflammation. Candied Ginger and gummies are excellent choices for children, well really, they are great for anyone.  Ginger tincture for upset stomach, sore throat, or arthritis inflammation.

2. Trauma Oil

Trauma Oil

Trauma oil is the best first remedy to use on any surface wound, not broken skin, but others.  It is excellent for reducing inflammation and reaching those deep wounds that will aid in a speedy recovery.  Rub it on any surface wound as soon as it happens.  You will be amazed at how speedy the inflammation reduces, and the bruising disappears.

3. Cayenne powder / capsules / rub / salve

Cayenne is one of the best herbs to bring blood to a specific area needed to heal a wound.  It is a rubefacient. This simply means that it increases the flow of blood.  Many even say that using Cayenne, taking a spoonful or capsule at the onset of a heart attack can stave it off.  This is something that you need to do your own research on and plan accordingly.  But it definitely can speed up healing to a specific wound.

4. Miracle Salve

Miracle Salve

Miracle salve is one of my own personal favorites.  It is useful to use for so many different ailments.  Sunburn, scrapes, burns, eczema, diaper rash, rashes, and really so many maladies benefit from Miracle Salve.  This salve has been made and given as gifts from me now for over 20 years.  I call it my own Miracle Salve, because the responses from those who have used it, all call it a miracle.

5. Stress Tincture

Stress tinctures, regardless of what your favorite is, or if you use it for yourself or your kids, make sure your kit contains a stress remedy.  The reason I suggest a tincture, is simply because it works the fastest.  Tinctures get into your blood stream quicker than other stress formulas such as capsules.  Pick your favorite stress tincture and make sure you have it.

6. Allergy Tincture

Allergy Tincture

An allergy tincture is important, but especially so, if you have allergies in your family.  It is important if you are camping, or in the bush, or simply travelling.  Again, making a tincture and carrying it with you in your first aid kit is smart as a tincture gets into your blood stream quicker than a capsule, tea, or other form.  My suggestion for this is also that you try this tincture at home when you are in a safe place.  That way you will know for sure it works when you don’t have other options.  If it doesn’t work, create a new blend and give it a try.  Keep trying until you create the one that is your life saver.

7. Yarrow Compress Pads

Yarrow compress pads will serve a couple of purposes in your kit.  First of all, yarrow is a hemostatic, and is famous for its ability to stop bleeding in a wound.  By packing a wound with a compress pad soaked in hot water, will quickly stop bleeding.  Keep it packed in the wound until you are sure it is not bleeding any more.  You can also solve this problem by picking yarrow in the wild, if you are so fortunate to have it handy, crumple the leaves and flowers and pack into the wound to stop bleeding.  Yarrow is also well known to control fevers.  You could easily use a yarrow compress in a cup of hot water, drink the broth, and it will keep your fever at bay until you can get proper medical help that may be needed.

8. Comfrey Compress Pads

Comfrey compress pads, are excellent for broken bones, strains, sprains, bruising, twisted ankles, and such.  Soak the pads in water, and apply with bandages to help with deep healing under the surface of the skin.  Again, as I have said a few times, do not use comfrey on an open wound.  It is such a great healer, it will seal the surface of the wound too quickly, not allowing the wound to heal from the inside out.  This can cause infection to set in deep in the wound, due to not proper healing and cleansing.

9. Plantain Salve

Plantain salve, what a beautiful simple salve, but oh so powerful.  Plantain is often known as the band aid of herbal medicine.  Plantain grows abundantly everywhere, but if you are not fortunate to find a lawn or gravel drive that has a small plant peeking through, you should have salve on hand.  It is completely safe on open or closed wounds.  It is safe on children for slivers or bruises, bites, stings, scrapes, and a multitude of owies!  It is a band aid heal all!  Use it for everything, and your child and your body will love it. 

Black Drawing Salve

10. Black Drawing Salve or Activated Charcoal

Drawing salve, especially black salve, has been used for many years, and through many cultures to draw out infections, poisons, splinters, venom, ticks, and others.  If you have a wound, bite, or infection, use black salve to draw it out and heal.  The follow up with a good antibiotic salve, such as goldenseal, will help cure the wound once the infected parts are drawn out.

Those are my top 10 remedies I would suggest in one form or another, to keep in your first aid kit, travel kit, or camping kit. 

Go create your kit now, and never be unprepared!